The new MoveBrussels App is being tested
The MaaS (Mobility as a Service) combined mobility platform now has some 2,000 testers. It has been developed by STIB in collaboration with Brussels Mobility and was first tested in August 2020 by around 100 STIB employees.
This application, called MoveBrussels, offers tailor-made mobility solutions adapted to users, by proposing a mode of transport or a combination of several modes - public transport (STIB, TEC, De Lijn, SNCB), walking, bicycles (Villo! and Billy Bike), scooters (Dott), shared cars (Cambio) and private cars or taxis (Taxis Verts) - as well as payment solutions. The aim of the test is to have a panel of testers with various profiles evaluate the app's different functionalities.
The test, which will continue into 2021, will provide a wealth of information on the application, its use, ergonomics, flow management, data exchange between operators and, above all, its impact on users' mobility habits. The app should be available to the general public in mid-2022, at the end of this pilot phase.