Ensure employee health
Preserving the health of workers included the mass distribution of protective equipment. Millions of items were supplied to staff: masks, gloves, hand sanitiser gels, cleaning kits, plexiglas, etc. STIB also stepped up the cleaning and disinfection of workplaces (with particular attention to vehicle driving positions). It also organised a serological test campaign within the company.
STIB also adopted a series of specific measures, such as the suspension of on-board sales, a ban on boarding via the front door, the suspension of cash payments in BOOTIKs and KIOSKs, the new possibilities of switching services by smartphone for driving staff, the extension of the time slots for people working flexible hours, the end of the "flexdesk" and the extension of homeworking to all functions that allow it. The successful teleworking experience has prompted STIB, like other companies, to start thinking about the partial continuation of this work organisation.